Lübeck´s Treasure House
St. Anne’s Museum in Lübeck is regarded as one of Germany’s most beautiful museums. It is located in the former St. Anne’s Priory, which was founded in 1502 as a residence for the unmarried daughters of Lübeck’s wealthy merchants. Nowhere else is there such a harmony of late Gothic monastic architecture side by side a unique collection of sacred art from the 13th to the early 16th century. The majority of works comes from Lübeck and bears testimony to the city’s significance as a venue for art and art production. Among the museum’s most valuable treasures is the famous Passion Altarpiece of the Family Greverade by Hans Memling from the year 1491.
Apart from the most extensive collection of medieval carved altars, there is a display of furniture, paintings, and arts and crafts arranged as interiors of citizens’ houses to give an impression of domestic culture from the 16th to the end of the 18th century.
Dienstag - Sonntag
10:00 - 17:00 Uhr
10:00 - 17:00
Geschlossen: 24.12. | 25.12. | 31.12. | 01.01.
Geschlossen am : 24.12., 25.12, 31.12 und 01.01.
Geöffnet: Karfreitag , Ostersonntag, Ostermontag, Tag der Arbeit, Christi Himmelfahrt, Pfingstmontag , Tag der Deutschen Einheit, Reformationstag, 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag
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St. Annen-Straße 15
23552 Lübeck